Installation of the script • OX: Placement location: ox_Inventory/data/items.lua
• QB: Placement qb-core/shared/items.lua
• Item images in script folder
• Minigames in script folder
• Feel free to change items label, weight and description.
['dia_box_paleto'] = {
label = 'Locked box',
weight = 150,
stack = false,
close = false,
description = 'Locked box full of diamonds',
['goldbull'] = {
label = 'Golden coins',
weight = 100,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = 'Some golden coins',
['gold_bar'] = {
label = 'Gold Bar',
weight = 100,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = 'Bars made from gold',
['bluediamond'] = {
label = 'Blue diamond',
weight = 50,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = 'Expensive diamond',
['diamond'] = {
label = 'Diamond',
weight = 50,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = 'Diamond',
['large_drill'] = {
label = 'Drill',
weight = 2050,
stack = false,
close = false,
description = 'A large industrial drill',
['bombed_money_paleto'] = {
label = 'Bombed money',
weight = 0,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = 'Money packs with color bombs hidden inside of them',
['ruined_money'] = {
label = 'Ruined money',
weight = 0,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = 'Money packs ruined with uncleanable paint.',
['pinkdiamond'] = {
label = 'Pink diamond',
description = "Very expensive pink diamond",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['panther'] = {
label = 'Panther statue',
description = "Very expensive panther statue",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['pbottle'] = {
label = 'Bottle',
description = "Very expensive bottle, covered with small diamonds",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['pnecklace'] = {
label = 'Necklace',
description = "Very expensive necklace, covered with expensive diamonds",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['pmonkey'] = {
label = 'Monkey statue',
description = "Very expensive statue of monkey, made of pure gold!",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['necklace'] = {
label = 'Necklace',
description = "Necklace made of pure gold",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['ring'] = {
label = 'Ring',
description = "Ring, made out of diamonds",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
['rolex'] = {
label = 'Rolex',
description = "Special golden edition of Rolex watch",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true
["thermite"] = {
label = "Thermite",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Sometimes you'd wish for everything to burn",
["cutter"] = {
label = "Plasma Cutter",
weight = 1000,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Comes very handy when cutting thick armored glass.",
['highgrade_drill'] = {
label = 'High grade drill',
weight = 50,
stack = false,
close = false,
description = 'High grade laser drill',
['dia_box_paleto'] = {
name = 'dia_box_paleto',
label = 'Locked Box',
weight = 150,
type = 'item',
image = 'dia_box_paleto.png',
unique = false,
useable = true,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Locked box full of diamonds'
['goldbull'] = {
name = 'goldbull',
label = 'Golden Coins',
weight = 100,
type = 'item',
image = 'goldbull.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Some golden coins'
['gold_bar'] = {
name = 'gold_bar',
label = 'Gold Bar',
weight = 100,
type = 'item',
image = 'gold_bar.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Bars made from gold'
['bluediamond'] = {
name = 'bluediamond',
label = 'Blue Diamond',
weight = 50,
type = 'item',
image = 'bluediamond.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Expensive diamond'
['diamond'] = {
name = 'diamond',
label = 'Diamond',
weight = 50,
type = 'item',
image = 'diamond.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Diamond'
['large_drill'] = {
name = 'large_drill',
label = 'Drill',
weight = 2050,
type = 'item',
image = 'large_drill.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'A large industrial drill'
['bombed_money_paleto'] = {
name = 'bombed_money_paleto',
label = 'Bombed Money',
weight = 0,
type = 'item',
image = 'bombed_money_paleto.png',
unique = false,
useable = true,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Money packs with color bombs hidden inside of them'
['ruined_money'] = {
name = 'ruined_money',
label = 'Ruined Money',
weight = 0,
type = 'item',
image = 'ruined_money.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'Money packs ruined with uncleanable paint'
['pinkdiamond'] = {
name = 'pinkdiamond',
label = 'Pink Diamond',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'pinkdiamond.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Very expensive pink diamond'
['panther'] = {
name = 'panther',
label = 'Panther Statue',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'panther.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Very expensive panther statue'
['pbottle'] = {
name = 'pbottle',
label = 'Bottle',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'pbottle.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Very expensive bottle, covered with small diamonds'
['pnecklace'] = {
name = 'pnecklace',
label = 'Necklace',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'pnecklace.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Very expensive necklace, covered with expensive diamonds'
['pmonkey'] = {
name = 'pmonkey',
label = 'Monkey Statue',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'pmonkey.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Very expensive statue of a monkey, made of pure gold!'
['necklace'] = {
name = 'necklace',
label = 'Necklace',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'necklace.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Necklace made of pure gold'
['ring'] = {
name = 'ring',
label = 'Ring',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'ring.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Ring, made out of diamonds'
['rolex'] = {
name = 'rolex',
label = 'Rolex',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'rolex.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Special golden edition of Rolex watch'
['thermite'] = {
name = 'thermite',
label = 'Thermite',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'thermite.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = "Sometimes you'd wish for everything to burn"
['cutter'] = {
name = 'cutter',
label = 'Plasma Cutter',
weight = 1000,
type = 'item',
image = 'cutter.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = true,
description = 'Comes very handy when cutting thick armored glass'
['highgrade_drill'] = {
name = 'highgrade_drill',
label = 'High Grade Drill',
weight = 50,
type = 'item',
image = 'highgrade_drill.png',
unique = false,
useable = false,
shouldClose = false,
description = 'High grade laser drill'
Last updated